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leather bag

handbag has various and beautiful models that can be used in formal environments such as universities and offices, as well as in informal environments. Also, the locked model of the men’s handbag is a suitable option to protect money and documents when traveling.

leather shoes

The design of this type of shoe is very similar to the structure of Derby and Oxford shoes. The original design of the Monk Strap shoes is taken from Oxford shoes. The idea of Monk Strap shoes is from Europe and in a short time it has been able to attract many fans. Structurally, the shoe has two layers of straps or buckles with the ability to adjust the size. The elegance and charm of this model is such that it has surprised many celebrities and is a good option for a fundamental change in classic styles.

Oxford Shoes

Oxford is a formal men’s shoe that used to be made of plain leather. But now they are available in a wide range of colors, hair and decorations. This model has simple and thin straps. Structurally it has a short heel. The design of this type of men’s shoes is originally from Ireland and Scotland. The style of this shoe is such that it should be in every man’s wardrobe. The best choice to set with a suit and formal occasions. Styling this shoe model in informal situations is also unobstructed and has its own charm.

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About Us

Collection Mahesta, with the aim of increasing the quantity and quality of domestic products, started its activities in the field of selling and exporting all kinds of leather bag and shoes . Customer service is one of the main programs of our business and based on this, all our efforts to provide customer satisfaction and good shopping experience are in the minds of our dear customers.

Mahdi Saadatmand